Why buy quality bird seed? Your garden birds need it to thrive. Premium bird seed supplies essential proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This makes bird watching more enjoyable. In this article discover the top reasons to invest in high quality bird seed for your feathered friends.
Can birds eat butternut squash seeds? Yes, they can, and these seeds are not only safe but also chock-full of nutrients that’s good for your feathered friends. In this post, we’ll talk about the nutritional benefits of butternut squash seeds, how to prepare and serve them, and which birds will love them.
Looking for an easy way to feed birds in your garden? Easy feeders make bird feeding easy by minimising the effort to keep your feathered friends fed. This article explains what easy feeders are, why they’re good and how to use them.
The Great Tit bird, with its black head, white cheeks and yellow breast, is a common sight across the UK. Not only do they brighten up gardens and woodlands but they also have some amazing behaviour. In this article we’ll cover how to ID the Great Tits bird, its diet, habitat, nesting habits and its funny behaviour.
Want to attract birds to your garden? Bird nest boxes can help. This guide covers choosing the right nest boxes, key features and installation tips.
Calci worms, the larvae of the black soldier fly, are rich in calcium and protein. These nutrients make them an excellent food source for birds and hedgehogs. In this article we’ll look at the benefits, compare to other options and give tips on feeding and storage. Plus you’ll find out why they’re an eco friendly option for wildlife.
Cats are a big threat to wild birds. If you want to know how to protect wild birds from cats, this article covers keeping cats indoors, creating bird friendly gardens and managing stray cat populations.
Tired of pigeons taking over your bird feeder? Find out pigeon proof bird feeders that give smaller birds a fair share. We’ll explain why pigeons dominate feeders and show you pigeon proof bird feeder designs to keep them away.
Can I feed birds bread? Here we’ll find out if bread is safe, the risks involved and the best alternatives to keep birds healthy.
Want to attract more birds to your garden? Setting up a bird feeder station can help. Here we’ll show you how to choose the right feeders, where to put them and how to maintain your set up to keep the birds coming back.
Fed up with bird seed going all over your garden? Here’s how to stop bird seed going everywhere and growing with these easy tips. From choosing the right seed to installing seed catchers, we’ve got you covered.
The best time to put out bird food is early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Birds are most active during these times, refuelling their energy. Here’s the optimal feeding times and seasonal advice to help you support your local birdlife.