Sunflower Hearts - 25kg

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Bulk Buy and Stock Up with 25kg of Sunflower Hearts

Get more for your money with our bulk 25kg Sunflower Hearts, designed to keep your garden birds happy while saving you cash. Buying in bulk not only provides great value but also ensures you have a continuous supply of quality bird feed on hand.

Sunflower hearts are a high protein treat that wild birds adore. They're a garden favourite, attracting species like finches, tits, and robins. These seeds are not only nutritious but also create little mess, as there's no shell waste, making your garden a cleaner, more pleasant place.

Bulk Buy: 25kg of Premium Sunflower Hearts

This bulk bundle comes in two convenient 12.55kg bags. By packaging it like this it keeps the feed fresher for longer and makes it easier to handle. Plus, buying in bulk saves on postage costs and reduces the hassle of frequent purchases.

Overall, our 25kg Sunflower Hearts are a fantastic addition to any garden. Keep your feeders full and your feathered friends well fed with this cost effective, high quality bird feed. Stay well stocked and enjoy the vibrant birdlife that will flock to your garden.




  • Sunflower Hearts

Pour & Position

  • Pour bird seed into a clean, dry bird feeder.
  • Place the feeder in a quiet, sheltered spot with a clear view.
  • For ground feeding, scatter the seed on a low platform or directly on the ground.
  • Ensure ground feeding areas are safe from predators.
  • Place your bird table in a sheltered spot and make sure to clean any old spoilt seed first.

Storage & Maintenance

  • Reseal the bag and store bird seed in a cool and dry location away from direct sunlight.
  • Discard any spoilt seed to prevent bacteria spread.
  • Clean feeders and bird tables every two weeks
  • Use an antibacterial solution to wash feeders, rinse thoroughly and let dry completely before refilling.