Can You Feed Apples to Birds? : How to Add Fruit to Your Feeders

Can You Feed Apples to Birds? : How to Add Fruit to Your Feeders

Can Birds Eat Apples? Tips and Advice

Can birds eat apples? Yes they can! Apples are safe for birds when done right. Here we will show you how to serve apples to birds and the benefits and precautions on whether birds can eat apples.

Key Points

  • Birds love apples but choose safe organic and remove seeds before feeding.
  • Feeding apples has many health benefits for birds, vitamins and minerals for overall health.
  • Keep your feeding area clean, rotate food and provide fresh water to attract and keep birds healthy in your garden.

Do Birds Like Apples?

Yes! Birds love apples. You may have seen wild birds pecking at fallen apples in orchards or gardens. They are naturally drawn to this sweet treat and many bird species eat apples including sparrows, thrashers, tanagers, woodpeckers, bluebirds, blackbirds, robins, wrens, waxwings, starlings, crows, jays and fieldfares.

Each bird has its own preference. Some like the sweet flesh of the apple, others nibble around the skin. This means you will likely see different bird species visiting your garden if you offer apples.

Next time you eat an apple think of sharing it with your garden birds. You’ll get to see these lovely creatures munching on a healthy snack.

Types of Apples for Birds

Not all apples are created equal when it comes to birds. Choosing safe and chemical free apples is key. Organic apples are best as they minimize pesticide exposure which can harm birds.

Crab apples, those small tart fruits found in gardens can also be a safe and tasty option for birds. Cooking apples are another nutritious option without chemical residues.

Choosing the right apples means your feathered visitors get a healthy chemical free treat. This simple choice can make a big difference to your garden birds.

How to Prepare Apples for Birds

Preparing apples for birds is easy but important. Remove the seeds and core as these parts contain cyanide. Once removed cut the apple into small slices or wedges so birds can eat easily.

Feed in small portions to avoid waste and so more birds can enjoy the treat without overindulging. Moderation is key when feeding birds any fruit.

Follow these steps and you have a safe and tasty snack for your garden birds.

Benefits of Feeding Apples to Birds

Feeding apples to birds is a fun way to attract them to your garden and has many health benefits. Apples are a healthy treat full of vitamins and minerals for bird health.

Vitamin C in apples helps birds cope with stress which is especially important during migration or bad weather. Magnesium is good for brain and heart health, potassium for nerve function and blood pressure.

The fibre in apples helps with digestion and simple carbs give a quick energy boost without excess sugar. Vitamin A in apples improves bird vision which is essential for survival and daily activities. Using windfall apples especially in winter can be a lifeline for birds when other food is scarce.

Adding apples to your bird feeding routine can help build bird muscle and tissue due to the protein content. It’s a healthy option that can make a big difference to their health and wellbeing.

Risks of Feeding Apples to Birds

Although apples are safe and beneficial for birds overall, there are some risks to consider. The seeds contain cyanide a toxic substance that can harm birds if eaten. Always remove the seeds before offering apples to your birds.

Don’t feed birds old or rotten apples as these can harbour harmful bacteria and fungi. Remove any rotten fruit from your feeding area to keep it clean and safe for birds.

Cooked apples can be offered to birds but in moderation. Cooking makes apples easier to digest but can also reduce some of the nutrient content. A balanced approach means birds can eat apples and get the benefits without any harm.

Other Fruits Birds Can Eat

Besides apples there are many other fruits birds love to eat. Fresh fruits like grapes, berries and oranges are safe and nutritious and add variety to their diet. Birds like stone fruits like cherries, apricots, peaches and plums.

Melons (watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew) are great choices, they provide hydration and nutrients. Pineapple is another tangy high fibre fruit birds can eat and add variety to their diet. Kiwi low in sugar and high in antioxidants is another good fruit for birds.

Birds can also eat leftover fruits like apples and pears so you can share your fruit bowl with your garden visitors. Having a variety of fruits in your bird feeding routine means they get a balanced and tasty diet. And birds eat grapes.


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Best Practices for Feeding Birds Year Round

Feeding birds is a year round activity and some best practices are necessary to ensure their health and wellbeing. During cold months birds need high energy foods to keep warm. Offering a variety of foods will attract more bird species to your garden so make sure you feed them properly.

Don’t overfeed any one type of fruit including apples as this can cause digestive problems in birds. Clean bird feeders with soapy water regularly to prevent disease transmission among birds and keep your feeding area clean and safe.

Rotating feeder locations reduces food waste and keeps things clean. Placing bird feeders in quiet and safe areas allows birds to eat without predators. These best practices means a healthy environment for birds year round.

Importance of Fresh Water

Providing fresh water is just as important as food. Birds need clean water for drinking and bathing, both are essential for their health. Bathing helps birds to maintain their feather condition, loosen dirt and preen.

Dirty water is a breeding ground for diseases so cleaning water containers regularly is a must. Fresh clean water is essential for hydration and prevention of diseases especially in urban areas where natural water sources are limited.

Water containers should be cleaned daily so they remain a healthy source for birds. Providing fresh water with food means your garden birds will love your garden.

Attracting Birds to Your Garden

Attracting birds to your garden is more than just putting out food. Offering variety of foods like apples and pears will attract different species. High energy foods like suet are effective during cold months when birds need extra calories to stay warm.

A balanced diet of bird seeds, suet balls, sunflower seeds and fresh food fruits means your wild birds will get a variety of nutrients. This will attract more species and keep them healthy and happy especially when you have a bird feeder. And also consider what birds eat so you can provide the best options as they are well fed.

Follow these and you will have a garden full of life and birds.


Feeding birds is fun and brings joy to your garden and provides nutrition to our feathered friends. Apples when prepared properly is a safe and nutritious option that many birds love to eat. Offering variety of fruits and following best feeding practices means balanced diet for the birds year round.

Remember to provide fresh water and keep the feeding area clean to prevent diseases. By attracting birds to your garden with thoughtful feeding you can enjoy the beauty and songs of these birds every day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can all bird species eat apples?

  • Answer: Yes, most bird species like sparrows, woodpeckers and robins can eat apples. Just don’t overfeed!

Are all types of apples safe for birds?

  • Answer: Yes, most types of apples are safe for birds, organic, crab apples and cooking apples. Just remove the seeds as they are harmful.

How to prepare apples before offering to birds?

  • Answer: To keep birds safe and happy, remove the seeds and core from the apples and serve in small portions. This way you can make mealtime fun for your feathered friends!

What are the benefits of apples for birds?

  • Answer: Feeding apples to birds is good because they are source of vitamins and minerals that supports digestion, brain function and overall health. A tasty treat to keep our feathered friends healthy!

What are the risks of feeding apples to birds?

  • Answer: Feeding apples to birds is risky because of cyanide in the seeds which can be harmful if ingested. Always choose fresh apples and remove the seeds to keep your feathered friends safe.