
Bird Fact File: Long Tailed Tit

The weekly bird guide series brought to you by Beaky Bites! Each week, we'll take a closer look at a beloved UK garden bird, giving a brief overview of the bird and how to attract them to your garden. This week we are looking at the Long Tailed Tit

Can Birds Eat Pumpkin Seeds - The Best Way to Feed Them

Can birds eat pumpkin seeds? Yes! They are a healthy and safe snack for wild birds, full of protein, healthy fats and vitamins. In this post we will go into the benefits of pumpkin seeds, how to prepare them and the best way to feed them to your garden birds.

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Garden Birds’ Favourite Peanuts: A Guide to Feeding Success

Are peanuts good for wild birds? Peanuts for birds are safe and nutritious with high protein and fat to help them survive winter and breeding season. In this post we will go into the benefits of feeding peanuts to birds, suitable bird species, types of peanuts and how to feed them safely.

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Pigeon-Proof Feeders: How to Protect Your Bird Feeders

Pigeons are very good feeders, they eat bird food fast and leave very little for other birds. Their appetite can quickly empty your bird feeders and leave smaller birds with no food. How to choose the best pigeon proof bird feeder to keep the pigeons away and let the smaller birds have their fair share.

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